I'll quote articles here and here that have some quotes from the celebridiots. The first is "You don't know the history of psychiatry. I do," by the great psychiatry history professor Tom Cruise, pictured here getting a zit popped by The One that Got Away.

Now the poor guy's nuts and has to date herpes infested Bat-man hookers.
But I digress. Here is what Scientology has to say about psychiatry. This is such a bunch of woo-woo drivel. I don't even know where to start. How about here:
Convinced that man is only a body, psychology and psychiatry have forwarded the idea that there is no soul, merely a physical brain, an aggregation of tissue and nerve cells.
Wow. I looked all over for some evidence that the human body is anything more than "merely a physical brain, an aggregation of tissue and nerve cells" but couldn't find any. All I can find are some dopey saps who can not accept the fact that we are just animals. Listen people - you are not fucking special just because you are bipedal, have opposable thumbs, and can shit in a toilet. There's always something about "transcendentalism" or "energy" that these people expatiate. They never can provide any evidence.
The Disciples of Elron believe that vitamins and excercise can cure depression. So vitamins heal the soul...? I thought those Chicken Soup books did.
...the array of primitive methods dreamed up by “modern” psychiatrists includes hypnotic drugs, lobotomies, electric shock and bolts to the brain while a person is drugged and comatose — each of which leaves a person little more than a vegetable.
These people have watched One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest a few too many times. For Elron's sake, lobotomies are NO LONGER PERFORMED. We know that psychiatry is an evolving science, and there have been quacks along the way. It may even be the one medicinal science most suceptible to the placebo effect. But for Elron's crew to suggest that there is an accredited, moral psychiatrist that does not try cognitive therapy prior to drugs or shock therapy is just brainless.
For those who don't know, "advanced" Scientologists believe that an alien warrior named Xenu came to Earth 75 million years ago when he was about to be deposed as ruler of some galactic federation. He used psychiatrists to drug the inhabitants of Earth, and then killed nearly all of our planet's population. I swear I am not making this up. Xenu then made all of the souls he collected from the dead people watch movies, which implanted fake memories of the past, including all world religions. After this, there were just a few bodies left, so the souls crammed themselves into the few remaining living bodies. These people begat us. The moral of the story is: unless you are a Scientologist, you still have the Xenu movie influence of the thousands of people killed. This is the "history of psychiatry" Cruise believes in. Let me reiterate: THIS IS WHAT TOM CRUISE BELIEVES THE HISTORY OF PSYCHIATRY IS. What...a bunch...of shit...
Our next quote de quackery comes from Kelly Preston, best known for being John Travolta's piece of ass. Seen here with her husband wearing their Anti - Xenu helmets.

"If you're going to be advocating drugs, which she does in her book, you need to be responsible for also telling the people of the potential risks."
Yes jackass, and if you are going to support pseudo-scientific treatment in favor of proven treatment then BACK IT UP!! Show some evidence as to why we need to become level 75 warrior-mage Scientologists to cure our souls.
The problem is, they can't. They have to revert to Dianetics, the crappy sci-fi novel (both by Elron), or "just try it". Sounds like some other folks I know...
There is a reason the skeptical blogging community points out this silliness. These celebridiots are very persuasive, as it is part of their job. The easily swayed among us may be duped into using "alternative" therapies instead of seeking real treatment.
Q: Remember what one calls alternative medicine that works?
A: Medicine.
Good on you man...
there are good sites such as xenu.net and xenutv.com for info on these woo-woo crackpots
Scientology does indeed have its origins in outer-space; methinks it originated from the planet Uranus, or more likely from Hubbard’s anus.
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