Wednesday, June 07, 2006

[Appeal_to_Ridicule] #2.0

Dear ______,
I've been reading your (website/blog/forum/post/comment), full of verifiable references on ______, and I think it's very closed-minded of you to dismiss _______ without researching it. I have lots of problems with your opinion, but I don't feel like specifying any objections or if I do, provide any basis for my objections beyond disagreement for disagreement's sake. I just want to hear the sound of my own typing by expressing my opposition and feel better about my _____ by calling your _____ deficient, even though that has nothing to do with the topic. It is also immature to call my subject change for what it is, you 12-year-old doodie-head. (Websites/Blogs/Forums) were created for inane rambling that goes nowhere, not the discussion of evidence, so I am fully justified in continuing to nitpick about people's increasingly hostile complaints when I show the politeness of stalling my earth-shattering discoveries about ______ to complain about the fact that they're complaining. The primary thing you have to think about is that it's impossible that your explanation(s), _______________ could cover _______. It all amounts to you having the wrong worldview, where evidence must be collected, examined, and discussed, unlike the real world, where (testimonials/life experiences/spam emails) determine reality.

Every time you (forward this spam/visit this website/click this button), an amount of ______ will be donated towards curing Little Timmy of his __COLD__.


(Via JREF Forums)


Rev. BigDumbChimp said...

Bronze Dog how old are you? Because you seem like you must be 20 years old.

Bronze Dog said...

In human years or dog years?