Sylvia Browne
This cretin makes a living claiming to make "predictions" and rambling about some other religious crap that makes me want to puke. If you believe this person has ESP, you are an idiot. To prove it, I will now debunk some predictions that have been removed from Syl's website (thank you way back machine!) for reasons I think we all know. Here's where the fun begins!
Prediction 1:
The media overhypes El Niño. It will not cause as much havoc as predicted by weather watchers. There will be flooding in the Midwest and Southern states, the other states will find it unusually dry and humid.
Wrong! "The Baby" most certainly is a scientific fact, and was directly responsible for flooding in California (not exactly considered a Midwest or Southern state). *Thank you to the person who pointed out this nincompoop actually said states will be dry and humid at the same time!
Prediction 2:
The Pacific Northwest, near Seattle, will have an earthquake, around 5.4, in January.
Never freakin' happened. Would you like to play again?
Prediction 3 (this might be my favorite):
The Democrats will gain power again. Bill Clinton will again run for national office after a four-year break, and win.
HAHAHAHA! Debunking ass-weasels has never been so easy! Keep in mind, ol' Syl made this prediction for 1998. Well, the Dems controlled the White House, as there would not be another election until 2000 (and we all know who won that one, eh?). So I guess she couldn't go wrong. But, the GOP took over the senate and congress in 1998. BZZZZZT, wrong again.
Sylvia Browne is a Big Fat Idiot. But of course, that's just my opinion...
Actually, Sylvia is pretty good – I think you’re being a little harsh on her.
Haaa - Just kidding!
Seriously, congratulations on the new blog. I look forward to reading your debunkings and other thoughts. I have a feeling you’re not going to suffer too many foolish comments from the more credulous believers, although I could be wrong.
"Unusually dry and humid" - nuff said.
Exactly. To believe, there are actually people that pay this woman real money!
And lots of it.
She came to my town March 1 (yeah, a month early) and a friend of mine actually went to see her - the door take (gross) was well over $140,000.
No supply of fools in the world.
You may already be aware of the Fat One's continued evasion of the Randi Million Dollar Challenge despite having agreed to participate on national TV.The Lardy Seeress obviously makes a good enough living fleecing the gullible that she has no need of the money - of course she could always donate it to charity. I believe Psychic Slimmers are looking for donations right now.Nice blog - I shall be a frequent visitor.
Thanks, I'm glad you like the blog! Yes, I've been following SB's million dollar challenge avoidance. She won't take it now because Randi won't put the money in escrow. The challenge rules clearly state the money will not be placed in escrow, but SB chooses to ignore this. Easy cop out I guess.
i am a beleiver in sylvia and i think that u r a big fat idiot,she makes perfect sense, but u believe wat u want
Obviously your a negative person who doesn't care to believe in anything positive as Sylvia Browne. Call Sylvia on Thursdays for free 3-4pm pacific time, on Hay House and ask her a question, if she answers you correctly or knows something only you should know then I'm sure you'll be convinced she is Legit.This is a crazy world, anything's possible who's to say there couldn't possibly be one person out there who has some special purpose.The # is 1-866-903-8255.Find out for yourself, before you pass negative judgement!!
If seriously, you were born with special abilities as Sylvia Browne was & knew you were Legit, wouldn't you charge money from people to get certain information from you????Anyone who's smart would!!The women is real, allow yourself to believe & you'll understand. She's not that lyeing Preacher Joyce Myers asking for a $1000 dollar donation, as Joyce doese, she's a crock of sh*t!!
If I had Sylvia's "powers" and knew I was legit, I would take James Randi's million so I could afford to use my "god-given" talent to help people and not screw them for every cent of their hard-earned money. Barnum was right--there's a sucker born every minute. Keep on truckin'
Sure I believe in freedom of speech
but some people have nothing better to do but sit on their fat-assed butts and put other people down.Do I detect jealousy?You don't
even know this women.If you don't believe in what she does, get the #@%$^& off her website and do something worthwhile with your lousy life instead of spending time putting her down.WHAT HAS SHE EVER DONE TO YOU!!!
Sylvia Browne is a liar, and you are the mark she is looking for. Even when I've proven she's full of shit, you still believe in her. This blog is not for you.
But if you have an ounce of critical thinker in you, I hope you'll read this and think "Hey, that Rockstar guy's right - this chick is fulla crap!"
What she has done is convinced 1000's of Americans to buy into bullshit. That makes life suck.
You've got to love all the "True Scotsman" replies to this post.
"Sure, I'm well aware of all the lying hacks parading as psychics, but despite fitting the mould perfectly, Browne is legitimate because she's a TRUE psychic."
It makes my brain hurt.
Travelling backwards in time, cleaning out the blog for its birthday. Lot of spam. Anyway...
Do I detect jealousy?
Nope. Stay on topic. I'll let you talk about Chewbacca in a Bigfoot thread, if you like.
You don't even know this women.[sic]
I've read many transcripts of her readings. I've read her many failed predictions and transparent postdictions. I've watched her try to worm her way out of her commitment for almost five years now. Ryan's probably read just as many, if not more. Sylvia is just another cookie-cutter "psychic" who performs the same tricks as all the other "psychic" con artists out there. Why don't you stop being negative by stopping your support for the criminal element of our society?
Nothing. This isn't about me or Ryan. It's about what Brown is doing to society. She is a leech who contributes nothing except feel-good falsehoods for an inflated price. Actual value of feel-good falsehoods: $0.
This is a great blog very informative. I was just watching montel with sylvia and I just feel thats shes full of shit. She just described some woman whos a ghost and is always with this woman in the audience and the woman in the audience had no idea who she was talking about. I am very interested....Is she a bullshit artist or what????
Sorry to write so close together but I am still watching Montel and sylvia just said that this woman should do physical therapy for her daughter with spine injuries and not surgery and the mom I suppose said her daughter was already put through physical therapy. I really wanna know is she fake and how can I find out for sure? Please the host or whoever is running this thing give me some advice on what to do so I can find out for myself if this bitch is fact or fiction.
Reminds me of a time I watched a bit of John Edward. He was inquiring this guy about an "S" of his, and he got about 90 seconds of pure head-shaking. I mean, geeze, I haven't trained myself to perform cold reading, and even I know there's a point where you cut your losses. Keep going on a dead lead long enough, and you'd think someone would catch on.
I'm of the opinion that Sylvia is a knowing fraud. If she isn't, she must be quite talented at double-think. But, of course, that doesn't matter, since the evidence is pretty well stacked against her as is, delusional or deliberate.
There's plenty of information on Sylvia Brown at At the top of the page, there'll be a section for Swift, the weekly commentary. There are plenty of entries in the archive on Syliva's cold reading techniques and her shallow excuses for not undergoing the challenge.
The weekly commentary's also got a lot of great stuff alongside that.
There are many other people who could you a good shake down like you did on Sylvia, but I don't hear you spouting off about them. Has she really hurt you or anyone, no I don't think so, yet our government and so many other religious groups hurt people, but I don't see you going after them. I think this site like many others is just some fool of a person who can't make it in life without having to knock other people down just to feel good. You seem to be the perfect example of an idiot with to much time on your hands.
Anonymous, I'll make this simple:
Exploiting people for money is wrong.
Sylvia exploits people for money.
Teaching people how to spot frauds prevents exploitation.
There are many other people who could you a good shake down like you did on Sylvia, but I don't hear you spouting off about them.
Because I've never met one.
Has she really hurt you or anyone, no I don't think so, yet our government and so many other religious groups hurt people, but I don't see you going after them.
Try reading a few skeptical blogs once in a while, and not just stereotyping me and Ryan based off of one blog entry. We do go after the government and religion. I just have a talent for pointing out the absurdities of religion and general newage (rhymes with sewage), so I play to that strength.
Also, if people can't tell the difference between black (woo) and white (science), what chance do they have of distinguishing between the grays of politics?
I think this site like many others is just some fool of a person who can't make it in life without having to knock other people down just to feel good.
Sorry, but criminals and societal leeches like Sylvia deserve to be ridiculed if they can't be prosecuted, especially if such ridicule exposes the truth of their character.
You seem to be the perfect example of an idiot with to much time on your hands.
Would you rather I spent this time selfishly watching TV or playing Armored Core? Sorry, but I'm doing this for charity. I'm just glad I enjoy trying to help people by exposing those who use lies to satisfy their greed.
NOTE: This anonymous completely avoided addressing the issue. His entire post was a shallow attempt to derail the thread by changing the subject to something irrelevant: How I spend my time. I might delete further posts that resort to this particular form of propaganda technique.
I think that you need a hug. I hope that you get some love in your life so that you can find something positive to do with yourself rather than focusing on the finding something negative. If you had love then you would be able to see the good in people rather than nit picking at small details. A few wrongs don't negate a million rights. Sylvia Browne gives hope and answers to hurting people. More than I can say for you at the moment. As for the money that she makes. She has charities. Do your reserach!
I think that you need a hug. I hope that you get some love in your life so that you can find something positive to do with yourself rather than focusing on the finding something negative.
Obviously, the previous anonymous person thinks that trying to prevent crime is being "negative." Sorry, but I think the search for truth and justice are positive things.
If you had love then you would be able to see the good in people rather than nit picking at small details.
A person's profession is not a "small detail." Sylvia Browne is a professional con artist.
A few wrongs don't negate a million rights.
What million rights? And she does more than a few wrongs. It's her job to lie to people.
Sylvia Browne gives hope and answers to hurting people. More than I can say for you at the moment.
She gives false hope and lies. That is EVIL. It's a very basic concept in our society.
These people don't need her corrupting the memories of their loved ones and telling them things they already know. Whether or not any part of us continues after physical death, we have memories: Things too sacred to entrust to liars like Sylvia Browne.
As for the money that she makes. She has charities. Do your reserach!
I suppose if one of those Nigerian scammers gave some money to charity, that'd be okay with you. The ends do not justify the means.
I think the upper bound of trolldom hit another peak, especially with the transparent "jealous" subtext, alongside an absolute refusal to actually discuss the issue or the arguments made. I wonder if he's going to come back and cry "persecution," next.
Of course, I would like to be paid to do what I like here, and I'm sure Ryan would say the same. But then, if we were paid, I suspect that they'd hypocritically play the shill card. Welcome to Moonside!
As for "humiliate": Shouldn't being caught in a lie be humiliating? There was a guy who got himself stuck in a ventilation pipe trying to sneak into a building movie-style to rob it. I suppose it was wrong of the cops to catch him because it "humiliated" him.
Maybe I should make a Doggerel entry on "educated," since everyone always seems to find "educated" people to support their conclusions, but no arguments whatsoever. Of course, there's no mention of who these "educated" people are, or what sort of "education" they received.
Sweet Jebus. What the hell happened here.
As you probably noticed, I followed up on my idea. It's amazing how authentically arrogant and elitist woos can be to think that an "education" makes them immune from stupidity.
Of course, when someone points out that they've said something stupid, they can fall back on their education, as if that's a counter-argument.
FYI, I live in Kansas, and it's dry AND humid all the time. If you don't believe me, then stop by sometime. :)
Seriously people, if you don't believe she's really a true psychic then go to her and ask her something that only you would know. If she's wrong, then that validates your opinion, if she's right, then you need to open your eyes to her and what she's really talking about. To just sit around and bash someone because you have nothing else to do is sad.. I mean, are you jealous that she's making mad money telling people what they can't hear themselves, or what? Reguardless of that you're not only bashing a person, you're bashing a spirtual belief that many people have and share wether you like it or not. You're negativity isn't doing anything at all. Maybe you should tap into your own spirituality and find the answer you're looking for, if you have any spirituality to tap into to.
Seriously people, if you don't believe she's really a true psychic then go to her and ask her something that only you would know.
Trickier than you think, especially since people who are subject to cold reading sometimes accidently give away the details, and then think the psychic provided those details.
Besides, I'm not going to stake everything on one trial. That's why we have double-blind control studies with multiple trials and replication.
Of course, there's also the problem of how to get Sylvia to respond: I'd rather not pay money for her to prove it to me: I'd rather she honor her commitments and take the Randi Challenge. She'd be doing it with her own time and money, rather than wasting mine.
To just sit around and bash someone because you have nothing else to do is sad..
I'm sorry if you feel that way about pointing out logical fallacies and opening people's minds to alternate explanations.
I mean, are you jealous that she's making mad money telling people what they can't hear themselves, or what?
Nice, transparent subject change. Thank you for living up to the evasive stereotypes.
Have you ever considered the possiility we're just trying to help people by protecting them from fraud?
Reguardless of that you're not only bashing a person, you're bashing a spirtual belief that many people have and share wether you like it or not.
Riiiiight. Because we have to patronize everything everyone ever says, rather than try to determine the truth.
You're negativity isn't doing anything at all.
Funny. Because of the negativity of previous generations, you're able to post your evasive whining on this website. You should be thanking me for my negativity.
Maybe you should tap into your own spirituality and find the answer you're looking for, if you have any spirituality to tap into to.
My "spirituality" doesn't involve spirits or the supernatural. It deals with being honest and searching for the truth so that we can use it to make the world a better place. Real hope is better than false hope.
Wow! B-Dog! That was really an excellent and - no sarcasm here - totally respectful and understanding response.
Impressive amigo.
I was wondering how long it would be before you made some smart ass "im still right" comment about what i said. And when I was talking about negativity I wasn't talking about "the negativity of previous generations, you're able to post your evasive whining on this website. You should be thanking me for my negativity."
No negativity is positive (obviously), and thanking you for yours is the last thing I would do. I'm not trying to be evasive with my whininh, i'm not even whining at all, i'm just trying to voice my own opinion about Sylvia, psychics, and that whole area in general.
Secondly, as far as I'm concerned you're not saving anyone from going to her for guidance and advice. All you're doing is bitching and whining about it. Reguardless of your thought, beliefs, and opinions about Sylvia it's not going to change what people think of her.
The only thing I agree with you about is that she is extremely expensive. I went on her website before I saw this one, and I read that an over the phone reading with Syvlia is $750 per hour. If I was in her position I wouldn't be charging anything at all, it is time consuming, but that's her purpose here, is to give information to sooth people, and help them.
But reguardless of the price, if people want or need to talk to her that bad then they will pay the money. And if they choose to then that's their problem, not yours and you sitting here and running your mouth about it isn't going to make a difference, because they're going to do it anyway. So just chill, relax, and get over her.
No negativity is positive (obviously), and thanking you for yours is the last thing I would do.
So, then, what compelled the first computer scientists to prove their theories right?
I'm not trying to be evasive with my whininh, i'm not even whining at all, i'm just trying to voice my own opinion about Sylvia, psychics, and that whole area in general.
So, then, why did you post comments on irrelevant things like our motivations, and try to wall off discussion of a topic because it's "spiritual"? Sounds pretty evasive to me.
Secondly, as far as I'm concerned you're not saving anyone from going to her for guidance and advice. All you're doing is bitching and whining about it. Reguardless of your thought, beliefs, and opinions about Sylvia it's not going to change what people think of her.
I suspect that's because they're closed-minded. Of course, Sylvia Browne engages in cold reading, warm reading, and probably lots of other techniques. Randi's test is designed to prevent those from happening. If she's not doing them, she'll be able to pass the challenge.
The only thing I agree with you about is that she is extremely expensive. I went on her website before I saw this one, and I read that an over the phone reading with Syvlia is $750 per hour. If I was in her position I wouldn't be charging anything at all, it is time consuming, but that's her purpose here, is to give information to sooth people, and help them.
Then she should feel compelled to prove that she actually is doing what she claims she's doing. I don't like societies with "Let the buyer beware" as a matter of course.
And if they choose to then that's their problem, not yours and you sitting here and running your mouth about it isn't going to make a difference, because they're going to do it anyway. So just chill, relax, and get over her.
Translation: Caring about people is worthless, so I should just give up and become selfish.
Oh, forgot:
"Who cares?"
"Translation: Caring about people is worthless, so I should just give up and become selfish."
no hunny, you're taking what im saying and twisting it around. All i'm saying about that is that ther's this little thing called free will, and no matter how much to try to presuade people and convince them that she's fake in the end they're going to choose to listen to you, or her, and they're going to make up their own minds and there's nothing you can do about that. Like i'm giving another opinion about Sylvia and it's totaly opposite yours. In the end you're going to think you're right and believe what you believe, and there's nothing I can do about that, and vice versa. So is that not caring about people? No, it's just learning to voice your opinion, and not force it, because in the end they're going to make up their own minds.
that's all i was trying to say with the end of my last comment, but you had to twist it in to your own way
no hunny, you're taking what im saying and twisting it around. All i'm saying about that is that ther's this little thing called free will, and no matter how much to try to presuade people and convince them that she's fake in the end they're going to choose to listen to you, or her, and they're going to make up their own minds and there's nothing you can do about that.
So, are you saying I shouldn't try to convince people not to go to a fake because they might not believe me. Sounds to me like you're saying the possibility (and probability, given the closed-mindedness of wooism) means that my efforts are futile.
Most people may not be convinced, but if I help even one person keep their money in their pocket without going to a worthless "psychic", I will have made a positive contribution to society.
In the end you're going to think you're right and believe what you believe, and there's nothing I can do about that, and vice versa.
WRONG! You can try to convince Sylvia to take the Randi Challenge. If she passes it, I'll be convinced. Hard, empirical fact will convince me, not evasive platitudes.
So is that not caring about people? No, it's just learning to voice your opinion, and not force it, because in the end they're going to make up their own minds.
I smell false cries of persecution. I'm not forcing anyone. I'm just voicing my opinions and the facts as I see them. I'm also pointing out logical fallacies and evasions performed by my opponents for the world to see, so that they can make up their own minds.
fyi, she's going to be on tv wed or thurs on the montel show around 4 or 5
she what she has to say, and what others say to her, before you say anymore
It's probably going to be exactly like all her other cold readings. Of course, there might be another spectacular failure.
I found your blog while searching for Sylvia stuff, I have a friend who is so addicted to Sylvia she hangs on her every word, she buys all of her books and even worse buys extra copies and gives then to all of her friends so they may learn to protect themselves from the evil of the world. Ummm, I actually believe in the spiritual world but I don't believe in Sylvia, I think she lost me when she said in one of her books she sees the fairies and the leprachons, okay, forget proving your psychic, prove that fairies exist. I don't know if she's just a scammer or if she's truly just nuts and really believes she's the best. It' also funny how the Sylvia Browne followers are so quick to attack the skeptics....if you truly follow her would know that the believers should love and accept unconditionally and that we (the non believers) probably haven't had as many lives as those who understand higher spirituality. Therefore you should be understanding and patient....whatever..
Well said. What I find especially puzzling is all the talk of morality. The argument isn't about good/evil. It's about true/false.
Of course, the reason I spend any time on the true/false is because it's good to know if something is true or not. It's evil to be lazy on the matter.
Anyway, I'd like to move the comments over here. Would like to remove Ryan's part of this, since his Internet has been spotty at best for a while, and he can't easily comment himself.
ok ive been skimming over this blog and heres my 2 cents to the skeptics:there are really only 2 things to consider about sylvia's veracity here,which are as follows:
1)the frequency of sylvias correct predictions,i.e.about people she directly interacts with.('direct' readings)
2)And the frequency of her predictions about 'distant' subjects-celebrities,weather,political outcomes etc...
First off,let's not forget the spiritual realm is more palpable to a certain 'sentient' demographic,as it is with the all of the arts and sciences etc.Certain people are more spiritually 'enriched' or shall we say talented;so it is a lost cause for some heardheaded dullard to spew endless bigotry and calumnies(though i realise that is the easiest thing to resort to ,with such a demographic).
I must mention before getting to the point that much of what ive seen of sylvia is from the montel show and ive never seen her truly fail but maybe they edit the show a bit to adumbrate her cold readings IF she is indeed spurious,which i dont any case shes no john edwards that guy is hopeless and as far as im concerned no amount of editing can save him)
Now to the point and you may laugh at this:regarding my first point she never or rarely misses with personal readings-she does also rely on spirits for information so that in itself can cause problems but like i said i havent seen her falter with personal readings...she can be stunningly specific.My second point-she frequently misses on celebrity break ups and weather related disasters and politics;my argument to that would be these 2 points:First off the 'future' is always prone to change as god deems fit-we are here after all to learn and grow spiritually and only god the all knowing can deliver us of whats to be.If sylvia was to get every such prediction right she would be god itself.Also i venture to surmise she was foreordained to miss alot, to make HER learn in this world as well as the rest of us-she isnt infallible no one IS in this world.I also believe when it comes to her 'distant' readings she takes a lot of liberties-that is in her heart she knows its a shot in the dark but assumes it as part and parcel of being a psychic-could you imagine her obstinately declining a casual request about some trivial things in the future?Its just part of the job its B.S. for sure but no one knows what its like to be a psychic.I do believe though that its a very intuitive kind of thing like composing or creating monumental art.How can anyone know that the greatest symphonies werent transmitted to the composers by some instinctive means imbibed to them since their birth and preordaining them to greatness?Im a composer myself and i cannot stress enough how intuitively mysterious yet awesome and inexplicable the process of composing can be.I leave you with that.
Good day ladies and gents.
so it is a lost cause for some heardheaded dullard to spew endless bigotry and calumnies(though i realise that is the easiest thing to resort to ,with such a demographic).
What's wrong about hating people who act like con artists? Ryan and I'll take it back if Sylvia can prove the existence of her powers.
I must mention before getting to the point that much of what ive seen of sylvia is from the montel show and ive never seen her truly fail but maybe they edit the show a bit to adumbrate her cold readings IF she is indeed spurious,which i dont any case shes no john edwards that guy is hopeless and as far as im concerned no amount of editing can save him)
I watched Sylvia on Montel. She wasn't terribly impressive.
Now to the point and you may laugh at this:regarding my first point she never or rarely misses with personal readings-she does also rely on spirits for information so that in itself can cause problems but like i said i havent seen her falter with personal readings...she can be stunningly specific.
So far, nothing to rule out cold or even warm reading. Maybe you'd like to provide a transcript?
My second point-she frequently misses on celebrity break ups and weather related disasters and politics;my argument to that would be these 2 points:First off the 'future' is always prone to change as god deems fit...
Sounds like a case of "Heads I win, tails you lose": If she's right, she's right. If she's wrong, she's got an excuse.
If sylvia was to get every such prediction right she would be god itself.Also i venture to surmise she was foreordained to miss alot, to make HER learn in this world as well as the rest of us-she isnt infallible no one IS in this world.
Doesn't really affect my arguments much: I don't demand perfection. I only demand that she operates better than chance and cheating would normally allow.
I also believe when it comes to her 'distant' readings she takes a lot of liberties-that is in her heart she knows its a shot in the dark but assumes it as part and parcel of being a psychic-could you imagine her obstinately declining a casual request about some trivial things in the future?Its just part of the job its B.S. for sure but no one knows what its like to be a psychic.
It sounds to me that you're saying she's allowed to cheat. Is that what you mean?
I do believe though that its a very intuitive kind of thing like composing or creating monumental art.
True/false is binary and objective.
Good/bad art is relative and often subjective.
How can anyone know that the greatest symphonies werent transmitted to the composers by some instinctive means imbibed to them since their birth and preordaining them to greatness?Im a composer myself and i cannot stress enough how intuitively mysterious yet awesome and inexplicable the process of composing can be.I leave you with that.
Good day ladies and gents.
Completely irrelevant to the issue at hand.
Good work guys for trying to expose this fraud!
As for people who insist "psychics gives us closure and happy endings.", it's time to wake up.
This is not just about con artists ripping people off, it's also about them slowing the rest of us down.
Look, life is tough and EVERYBODY has problems. But to make stuff up and letting people take the easy way out with crock answers, how will they ever find answers to the big questions in life?*
*(See South Park episode "Biggest Douche in the Universe")
In response to the moron who addressed the use of critical thinking as a way of realizing Sylvia Browne's falsity... the individuals who live purely on reason alone i feel sad for.. as listed above, how can there NOT be something more to this world?!! it's a crazy f**kin world out there, and i hate to believe the pure rational thoughts arguing that what is in front of us is all that there is. whether or not sylvia brown is the real thing, if we can't look past pure reason alone, then explain your thoughts on love and your desires to continue living in this supposed dead-end world.
In response to the moron who addressed the use of critical thinking as a way of realizing Sylvia Browne's falsity... the individuals who live purely on reason alone i feel sad for..
Typical doggerel. Besides, I don't operate on pure reason. I've got emotions. I just use reason to find the best way to satisfy them.
as listed above, how can there NOT be something more to this world?!! it's a crazy f**kin world out there, and i hate to believe the pure rational thoughts arguing that what is in front of us is all that there is.
That's funny. Here, scientists have discovered good evidence for dark matter using THE best technique (the scientific method) for finding invisible things, and you think we live in a small world? Talk about having it backwards.
Meanwhile Sylvia "You can't prove air!" Browne is trying to claim that science can't do anything about the invisible, despite it coming up with a the machine in front of you right now that shuffles invisible magnetic fields and electrons.
whether or not sylvia brown is the real thing, if we can't look past pure reason alone, then explain your thoughts on love and your desires to continue living in this supposed dead-end world.
You must be the miserable one. I don't need magic to be happy. The universe is "magical" and wonderous enough as it is. There are always new mysteries around the corner, and yet people like Sylvia Browne want us to pretend the mundane is mysterious.
"Exactly. To believe, there are actually people that pay this woman real money!"
yea, Rockstar, it must be the same jerk-off suckers who come to your shows!
Would you care to be, you know, on topic?
Bronze Dog:
I noticed you mentioned someone else to be "the miserable one." I've also noticed that you are one of the few constants on this "blog." As such, if one is spending so much time at their computer defending their positions on "blogs" over a course of a year and a half, then who is really "the miserable one"?
Note: The expected immediate response from Bronze Dog will go unnoticed as most individuals in this world would rather be spending their time elsewhere than continually defending themselves against someone who, apparently, is "a big fat idiot."
[Completely off-topic]
As such, if one is spending so much time at their computer defending their positions on "blogs" over a course of a year and a half, then who is really "the miserable one"?
I keep a tab open for my gmail account and get notification from there.
Would you rather I have purely selfish hobbies?
Blogging is quite satisfying, fun, and less time-intensive than videogames.
Quite frankly, I'm surprised someone like you would make such a pathetic non-argument. I can only hope that people will see how evasive that tactic you're employing is.
[/Completely off-topic]
Note: The expected immediate response from Bronze Dog will go unnoticed as most individuals in this world would rather be spending their time elsewhere than continually defending themselves against someone who, apparently, is "a big fat idiot."
Many people nowadays don't care about the truth anymore. I still do.
Besides, Sylvia Browne won't defend herself: If she was interested in doing that, she'd take the Randi Challenge like she agreed to five years ago. Instead, she plays distraction games like you do.
So, perhaps you'd like to provide something more meaningful than pointing out that I like what I do, as if that magically alters the laws of the universe.
The motivations for my arguments are irrelevant to their validity. Subject change shell games won't work on me, and I doubt they'll work on the lurkers.
Bronze Dog, I'm sorry but i'm going to have to agree with "anonymous" in that last blog...
his "Note" proved exactly what he wanted to say.
What, the fact that I spend time doing something somehow makes arguments invalid?
I'm really sick of these pseudo-arguments. Since when does the fact that I care about my hobby and other people mean that I'm wrong?
Are truth and logic so meaningless?
Quite frankly, I would think that a person who wastes his time making a post about posting being pointless is being dishonest.
If the truth is so meaningless to you, why don't you just go back to reading your contentless subjectivist books? If you aren't content to do that, why don't you make an ON TOPIC post that actually presents an argument, rather than distract from the issue?
What I find especially amusing is that many people say skeptics have no sentimentality. Yet, here I am berrated for caring enough to spend a few minutes to make comments.
Ah, the magic of hypocracy and double-standards.
Anonymous said:
Note: The expected immediate response from Bronze Dog will go unnoticed as most individuals in this world would rather be spending their time elsewhere than continually defending themselves against someone who, apparently, is "a big fat idiot."
And then following a reply from Bronze Dog, another anony said:
his "Note" proved exactly what he wanted to say.
Prove what exactly, that his response will go unnoticed? May I ask, if his response did go unnoticed, then to what are you referring exactly?
I love self-referential incoherence. It's adorable. Look it up. In the future, keep in mind what Bronze Dog said about making a "post about posting." You may end up looking quite foolish.
why do people have to go to the fact that someone is fat? Simpass
I'm not psychic, but I'm guessing Ryan is talking about the fatness of her idiotry, since "big fat" before a descriptive negative term usually doesn't reference the person's actual fatness.
Personally, it doesn't matter to me if Sylvia's fat or not.
my name is Christopher BROWNE and Sylvia is not of my famly or blood she is a thief taking my famly name and making it look bad! she is a fake and a con!
i think that you guys need to get a life because sylbia browe has helped my family in alot of ways . maybe you guys dont like her because she could know everything about you and also i think you guys have no clue in hell what your getting in to . And just because She may have not been right about the fire fighters and his wife .. she told his girlfriend that he was in a body of water ... so lets think then all the debre left over they put in the ocean!!!! a DUh so thats probally where they are.
Note that the above anonny actively avoided commenting on any of the arguments presented, and instead went straight for the appeal to motive.
Of course, Sylvia's had far more failures than the firefighter. The miners, Ryan Katcher, Opal Jennings, and so forth.
What's really nasty is that with Opal Jennings, Sylvia invented an imaginary city where all the horrors she made up were allegedly happening, dangling those with false hope (later shattered) in front of the parents.
But the biggest failure of all: She hasn't bothered proving that she's psychic in the first place. She hasn't done anything to separate herself from frauds. We give her a chance, and she makes up a bunch of demonstrable lies to avoid proving herself for the past five years.
Of course, anonny, you should probably keep this in mind: For every person she says something they want to hear, there's probably a phantom horror she invented for someone else.
I have never cared for Sylvias style of reading on the Montel show, I find her crass and abrasive. I don't think she should tell people on a tv show that their relative is dead or still alive hiding in Mexico. That said I do believe that some people are psychic and actually go to a woman who speaks to spirits. She doesnt do cold readings and actually knows "stuff" that I don't provide her with, useless stuff and good stuff. Sylvia...I'm not sure.
Might want to ask your friend about signing up for this.
But beyond that, yeah, my current hypothesis is that Sylvia's a largely unimpressive fraud. Not particularly attached to that: I'm fine with the null hypothesis that she's not psychic.
Okay, I'm one of those idiots that paid the money to have a reading with Sylvia's son Chris. I just had to find out for myself if I thought they are legit. I just wanted to hear one thing that no one could know but me. He told me NOTHING specific, everything was very vague and could have applied to anyone. I asked a vague question regarding the loss of my little dog (didn't tell him it was a dog) and he told me that in some previous life I had been married to him or he was my brother bla bla bla. If I remember correctly Sylvia said animals don't reincarnate and people don't come back as animals so...I can't express how disappointed I was with this reading and even though they say the readings will last 20-30 minutes, mine was maybe all of 5-7 minutes and I felt like he was just trying to hurry up and get off of the phone. Oh yeah, the other final thing was my father has Stage 4 cancer so I asked what he saw with my Dad's health. He said a few things but he never once touched on the cancer and he told me because he's tough my Dad be around at least another two years! The doctors are guessing a couple of months. Anyway, decide for yourself but from now on, my money is staying in my pocket not in theirs because I think they are frauds.
For those who may want to read another negative experience with Sylvia's son, I've got a link to a JREF thread.
I totally believe is Sylvia Browne because I talked to her on the phone. Everything she said was correct and told me things only I would know. She is the worlds Greatest Psychic.. and she does alot of pro-bono work. She has to charge money for her ministries. I am also psychic.. not as good as her. But had a dream the night before the shuttle blew up.. that it would explode.
1. If she's psychic, she shouldn't have a problem passing the JREF challenge.
2. It wouldn't surprise me if lots of people dreamed about the shuttle blowing up. The world is a big place, and a fair number of people would have that sort of concern.
3. If you ever have another phone conversation with her, you may want to record it. All the recordings and transcripts I've encountered range from embarrassing to unimpressive to formulaic.
4. The money doesn't really matter. It's only a concern when the argument is about the degree of unethical behavior, rather than presence or absence.
people are idiots who will believe anything the tv regurgitates back at them and somehow one of the smarter idiots got on tv and now plays on the emotions of other idiots. good for you sylvia good for you.
I really dont know Sylvia Brown that much because i know she is a false prophet. Here is a quote that i have read from one of her teaching and a response back from the Word of God.."Novus Spiritus stands in accord with all of today's religions. We feel that every church has fundamental Truth and we encourage each person to find a means of worship. Perhaps Novus will be yours. In addition, we find many people are joining Novus even though they are happy with their current faith. Our goal is to open each mind to the splendor of God, allowing the intellect to grasp the Divine."
Whoa! What a lie! Miss Browne states that her "Novus Spiritus stands in accord with all of today's religions." That is simply NOT true; false religions perhaps, but not Christ-honoring churches who still abide by the teachings of the Word of God. The Devil is working relentlessly to CONFUSE people, doing everything in his Satanic power to blind people, "In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them" (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Please don't be deceived by the lies and occult witchery of Sylvia Browne--she is of the Devil. 2nd Corinthians 11:13,14 state, "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." Satan is a master deceiver and counterfeiter. Satan is so subtle and masterful at his trickery that he has led tens-of-millions of people to believe that New Agers such as John Edward, Sylvia Browne, Oprah Winfrey, Shirley MacLaine, and James Van Praagh are of God. They are NOT of God!!!
Woo versus woo.
Humans are already masters at self-deception. No need to bring Satan into it.
In these last days, Satan is working relentlessly to deceive the masses with every form of occult practice and witchcraft. Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4) and promotes those who serve him. Sylvia Browne is one such individual, who is influencing millions of people for Satan with her damnable heresies and witchcraft. The following heresies are taken directly from her website. The exact link is
"Christ lived and died upon this world; he is our Lord and the "Son of God" (as are we all). Novus believes that he brought God's word to mankind, and was martyred for it. We follow the principal teachings of Christ, namely:
Love God with your whole heart. mind. and soul.
Love thy neighbor as thyself.
These above two thoughts form the basis for Christianity, and through them the entirety of heaven is open to you. We agree with Christ when he said (John 14:6):
"I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me."
Since Christ equates himself to "the way, the truth, and the life," a logically equivalent statement is:
"No one comes to the Father but through the way, and the truth, and the life."
Hence, if you follow the teachings of Christ then the doors of heaven (the eternal Home) open. Do remember however, Novus feels that Christ's teachings are simply the two statements above. We do not hold that Christ was God, nor that he died for our "sins," nor that he rose from the dead."
Clearly, Sylvia Browne is NO Christian. In the above quote she denies the deity of Christ, denies that Jesus died upon the cross for our sins, and denies that Jesus rose from the dead. The Word of God proclaims that Jesus Christ is God Almighty (John 1:1-3,14; John 10:33; Colossians 2:9; 1st Timothy 3:16; Revelation 1:8 --King James Bible). The Word of God teaches that Jesus Christ arose from the dead (John 19:11-16), and was seen by over 500 people (1st Corinthians 15:4-6). The Word of God clearly states that Jesus came to die upon the cross, shedding His blood for our sins (Luke 1:77; John 3:16; Romans 5:8; 2nd Corinthians 5:21; Colossians 1:14; Revelation 7:14). It is clear that Sylvia Browne is an unbeliever who does NOT believe the Word of God. In fact, 1st John 2:22 calls her an ANTI-Christ and a liar.
For those who want to know more about Sylvia's beliefs (as if they were relevant to the argument), click here.
Reincarnation is a lie, nowhere found in the Bible. The Word of God is clear that we only have this one life to live, and then the judgment (Hebrews 9:27). Don't be fooled friend, there are no second chances once your dead (John 8:24).
Here is some more of the insane reasoning which Sylvia Browne dishes out to her spiritual victims...
"Are we to assume that God has no patience with us? Will He be upset if we are not perfect after one life? Would His anger condemn us to a burning hell because tying shoes took a month to learn? We think not, at least not a loving God.
Reincarnation is the most reasonable concept to explain the inequities of life in light of an all loving God. The alternative, a God of hate, is simply not tenable. Reincarnation is accepted in the vast majority of religions. Even the Jewish mystical tradition, the Kabala, supports it." -SOURCE
Sylvia Browne is dangerous! She foolishly logics that a God of love would never condemn anyone to Hell for being less than perfect. The truth is that God never sends anyone to Hell, we choose to go there by rejecting the Christ of the Bible as our personal Saviour. Ms. Browne reasons that a loving God would never send anyone to Hell. What Ms. Browne leaves out is the Biblical teachings that God is ALSO a holy God, and a righteous God, and a God of judgment. The entire perspective of Ms. Browne's opinion is from one of self-righteousness--that if we do our best, why would God condemn us to Hell for trying. However, Isaiah 64:6 teaches that even our self-righteousness is as filthy rags in the sight of God. James 2:10 declares that if we break even one of God's laws, then we might as well be guilty of all (because it only takes one sin to condemn us to Hell forever).
The Bible plainly teaches in Ephesians 2:8,9, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Did you read that? Salvation is the "gift of God." Salvation is FREE, if you'll receive it by faith alone in Jesus Christ. Yet, Sylvia Browne would deceitfully lead you to believe that God will understand if you reject Christ as Saviour. 2nd Thessalonians 1:8 blows Ms. Browne's lies right out of the water, "In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ." Who are you going to believe, God, or Sylvia Browne? Psalm 118:8 gives us some good advice, "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man."
Romans 3:10,23 clearly states that we are ALL sinners. Romans 6:23 proclaims the death penalty upon all humanity because of our sins; thus, everyone eventually dies. The Word of God is very clear that God loves mankind, so much, that He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to die for our sins (John 3:16). Sylvia Browne denies this Biblical truth. It is because we are sinners that we CANNOT enter into the kingdom of Heaven of our own merit or good will (1st Corinthians 6:9,10). This is why Jesus told His disciples that salvation was IMPOSSIBLE with man (Matthew 19:25,26). Salvation is of God; NOT man. Howbeit, no one is automatically saved! We must be born again (John 3:3). This can only happen when we realize our sinful condition (which Ms. Browne denies), and turn in faith to Jesus as our personal Saviour to forgive our sins (which Ms. Browne also denies). Salvation is found in Jesus Christ alone; NOT in a religion, and not in the demonic doctrines of Sylvia Browne. It's Jesus or Hell, turn or burn!
Sylvia Browne accuses God of being a "God of Hate" for sending Christ-rejecters to Hell. But wait a minute Ms. Browne, the Bible clearly states that ANYONE can be saved (Romans 10:13). "Whosoever" may come (John 3:16). The Word of God promises that all sinners who DIE IN THEIR SINS will burn in the Lake of Fire forever (Revelation 20:11-15). BUT, the Bible also promises eternal life and peace for ANYONE who will place their trust solely in Jesus Christ for salvation (Romans 5:1). So why is God "hateful" for sending someone to Hell, a person who willingly rejects the FREE gift of God (Romans 5:15)? John 10:1 clearly warns those who would try to enter into Heaven without going through the Door (which is Jesus Christ--John 10:9). God calls them "thieves" and "robbers." Who are you Ms. Browne to make such hateful allegations against the God of the universe, when He has lovingly provided a way of escape (a plan of redemption) for all humanity to be saved. Your thinking is demonic Ms. Browne. Yes, God is a loving God; but, He is also a holy God, and God's holiness DEMANDS justice! This is the reason why Jesus needed to come to this sin-cursed world to pay for our sins, because we cannot redeem ourselves! Jesus paid a debt He did not owe, because we owed a debt we could not pay.
God is fair Ms. Browne, He offers the free gift of eternal life to anyone who will receive it, by faith in Christ alone. Your rationalization for reincarnation is based upon your disbelief and rejection of the plain teachings of the Word of God. Salvation is so simple, "But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ" (2nd Corinthians 11:3). Sylvia Browne's mind has been corrupted by Satan, and she wants to corrupt yours as well. Sadly, millions of people may one day burn in Hell because of her lies and Satanic teachings. Ms. Browne may not acknowledge Satan's existence (as Wiccan witches don't either); but that certainly doesn't mean that the Devil doesn't exist. 1st Peter 5:8 warns us to be alert "...because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." Satan does exist!
Hey i am not here to false my christinality beliefs towards anyone but when i read her teachings i said wow poor souls. I'll pray for you guys some of you will curse me out or dont want to hear what i am sharing with you guys but thats ok because i am just sharing something that i know that TRUTH!!! and if you want to know the truth get into the WORD OF GOD. God Bless and take care.
hey bronzedog i just went into the website that you posted, its amazing what people believe huh!!!
i just want to leave thisw last statement because i know some people are disliking what i am saying or disagree of what i am saying thats ok. I am not here to agrue about anything for thats not what my God wants me to do he's God alone. Yes Bronze dog what i stated earlier probably wasnt relevant to what you guys were discussing earlier but i just had to interrupt and put out the truth out their to these poor souls. Secondly, the reason why i came into this page because i gave my sis a daily devotional book for christmas and she told me " yes this book is nice it reminds her of sylvia browns book"...i said ohhh nooo let me see what this lady is teaching these people and again please get into the word of God. Ok dont listen to me or JOYCE MEYERS!!!...BECAUSE YOU KNOW IF YOU DONT HAVE A STRONG FOUNDATION ABOUT THE WORD OF GOD THEN YES YOU ARE GOING TO BELIEVE THAT SYLVIA BROWN IS A CHRISTIAN AND HER CALLING IS OF GOD. AND OHH YES SHE CAN KNOW THE FUTURE AND WHATEVER ELSE THAT SHE CAN DO BUT YOU KNOW THE DEVIL KNOWS THE BIBLE AS WELL AND CAN FLIP THE SCRIPTURES IF YOU DONT KNOW ANYBETTER. AND FOR YOU LAST STATEMENT YOU STATED THAT "HUMAN ARE ALREADY SELF DECEPTION"..WHY IS THAT?....SATAN IS THE god OF THIS WORLD MAN. THIS COMMENT IS NOT FOR YOU DIRECTLY BRONZE DOG BUT FOR EVERYONE ELSE WHO SOMEHOW BELIEVE THIS LADY'S TEACHING. THE WORD OF GOD SAYS IN JOHN 5:43 SAYS "I HAVE COME IN MY FATHERS NAME , AND YOU DO NOT ACCEPT ME; BUT IF SOMEONE ELSE COMES IN HIS OWN NAME, YOU WILL ACCEPT HIM". HAVE A BLESSED DAY EVERYONE AND I PRAY THAT THE LORD TOUCHES YOUR HEART SOMEHOW AND REMOVE THE VEIL AND COME TO THE LIGHT. GOD BLESS.
It is just mega-sad that people are defending this money-guzzling biotch. This is why I can't stand her: She bamboozles the folks who least deserve it, usually bereaved working-class people who feel they need someone like her in their lives. She's a poseur who can't even cold read (see the horrible Opal Jennings incident).
Great blog, guys. Keep it up!
Sylivia brown is a deciever sadly she is decieving millions copy and paste this site this should explain everything clearly. jesus christ is lord
Wow. Both proponents and opponents of Sylvia Browne resorting to arguments about religion. Sylvia Browne and her ilk also make me mad, but why waste your time trying to save a 'mark'? Some are blissfully and greatfully 'taken'.
I have a bachelors at a top university and am working on a PhD at a top engineering university, but on the side, I'm trying to figure out how to utlize people's inner-most fears and desires to lead them in a positive manner. Better than leaving them to the Jim Jones of the world.
It's my small bit of time to waste, and silence doesn't help.
Besides, some are convinced.
As for the 'she's a witch!' arguments, just didn't feel like dealing with their silliness.
May want to stop by Stop Sylvia Browne in the sidebar. Robert Lancaster gives Sylvia the heavy research treatment he gave Kaz.
If you make 500 predictions about every current hot topic and use common sense to figure the outcome. You can still have a pretty good rate of some of the predictions being true.
My point is the weak minded are easily fooled, They may be at a xroads in there life or lost someone, Maybe life dealt them a bad hand. truth is, people will pay the big ticket fee to find some kind of answer. What it comes down to for those who believe there is a god.
You can open the bible and find those answers without a Watered down half truths, and free no less!
I have watched this woman on montel, and after my first visit to her website it was obvious she was in it for a buck. I dont mind her guessing all her predictions, I just dont like hearing these con artist use scripture to justify there scams.
Jesus preached for free, healed for free! Go figure.
I generally don't see much difference between Jesus and Sylvia Browne. Both have sayings that can be interpreted in any way by a vulnerable person.
I'm lyin on the couch with a hangover watching Montel,and he's got that goofy fucking cunt on his show!!! So I started wondering how many other people out there feel the same way about her as I do. Then I stumbled across this blog.
Awsome Man!!
She makes me want to puke.
I feel bad for some of these stupid sheep that genuinely believe her dumb ass, but am for some reason comforted when I realized that the majority of the lost sheep are WOMEN !!
Seriously though what she does is really sick, and I hope there is a bunch of pissed off dead people waiting for her on the other side.
What relevence does mostly women on the show have anything to do with it? Calling someone a cunt is pretty low. Feel free to express your thoughts or your opinion to prove your point, but don't use profanity because it serves no purpose and only makes you sound less intelligent.
Whether she is legit or not I don't think it's right to charge 800 bucks for a reading. How many people do you know go to a reading when things are great and perfect? Not many. Most people go when in need of hope because of hurdles or turmoils in their life.
I believe that there may be some legits out there, but there are also thousands more fakes.
I was on a vacation and had never done one, so I stopped by. I think maybe she was legit. I told her absolutely nothing about my mom and she knew that she used to paint when she was younger and said that she wants to get back into it now that she is retired. How she knew those things I have no idea.
So I bought her an incredible paint set and my mom cried and asked me how I knew that she wanted to get back into painting.
Best way is prayer. Pray for guidance and direction. God ALWAYS listens and answers prayers.
Here we go again. Missed that bit in that one anti-Sylvia anonny who posted on Halloween, otherwise I would have given a wag of my finger cautioning about the sexist tone.
Of course, the next anonny isn't much better:
What relevence does mostly women on the show have anything to do with it? Calling someone a cunt is pretty low. Feel free to express your thoughts or your opinion to prove your point, but don't use profanity because it serves no purpose and only makes you sound less intelligent.
Yeah, it's possibly sexist, but I do tend to notice more women supporting psychics and such. I don't know the actual proportions, though, so it may very well be bias in our observations or the presentations.
As for foul language: That stuff serves a very important function. Those words are not inherently unintelligent or immature. Treating them as horrible taboos and thinking they're automatically unintelligent shows an enormous lack of maturity, in my opinion. Substance is more important than style.
Whether she is legit or not I don't think it's right to charge 800 bucks for a reading. How many people do you know go to a reading when things are great and perfect? Not many. Most people go when in need of hope because of hurdles or turmoils in their life.
That's what those sorts of people count on. Psychics prey on vulnerable people.
I believe that there may be some legits out there, but there are also thousands more fakes.
Once you can successfully test for legit psychics, it'll be easy to tell the real ones from the fakes. Unfortunately, I have yet to hear of a psychic passing meaningful tests designed to eliminate fakery.
I was on a vacation and had never done one, so I stopped by. I think maybe she was legit. I told her absolutely nothing about my mom and she knew that she used to paint when she was younger and said that she wants to get back into it now that she is retired. How she knew those things I have no idea.
That's actually pretty generic. A lot of people take up painting sometime in their life and hope to get back to it when they retire.
So I bought her an incredible paint set and my mom cried and asked me how I knew that she wanted to get back into painting.
I'm not surprised.
Best way is prayer. Pray for guidance and direction. God ALWAYS listens and answers prayers.
I haven't seen any more evidence for that than psychics.
There has been a change in my comment policy: Anonymous comments are no longer allowed. You have to use a name of some kind. Just make up an alias before posting.
Hmmm, this is a Very interesting site.
I use to think that Sylvia Browne was great until I listen to one of her audio books where she spoke about her spiritual guide, Francine & about Jesus being married and all... That was the last straw, I don't read her books anymore, & I hope she will soon be exposed for good.
Wow u guys are all a bunch of idiots to keep going on about this why do u care what someone else thinks my mom is going to see browne next wed at the keswick I'm not a big fan of her but I am religious and spiritual in some ways I was always taught that pbhycis are all bad but they are real its just that it comes from the divil that the boible says its bad iv studied with johova witness too its hard to say what's right I thin she charhes a lot for her reading I beleve in ghosts and she could be real but I think it might be comming from satan I don't know but u morons need a life rather to keep arguing in circles
1. Learn to type proper English. It's just annoying to see that many typos.
2. We care because she's scamming people with her psychic act. We don't like it when people are harmed by scams.
3. Teaching people how to recognize one scam can protect them from other, similar scams.
4. What's your real criticism? You don't seem to have a point except to whine about our opinion, which would raise your own hypocritical question of why do you care what we think?
Update from the future: Sylvia Browne is still wrong and is hurting people. I read through the comments on this old post because I wanted to see what people were saying about SB back about the time she told that poor Cleveland family their daughter was dead. Now that she's been found alive nearly a decade later, I am assuming all her supporters will come out and say 'oh, well, she can't get EVERYTHING right!' However this incident shows the clarity and truth of your statement that scamming people and lying about your abilities and telling them their relatives are talking to you from beyond the grave, is EVIL. There is no other word for it. I suspect she's a loon and truly believes her own crap so maybe "evil" isn't the right word. But she's wrong. She is hurting people, and taking their millions for the honor. Sylvia Browne the fraud should be ashamed of herself and go the hell away now.
Thanks for commenting on that, Don. I think the incident demonstrates one sort of harm Browne's scam does, which in turn justifies our concern about the widespread acceptance of psychics. It isn't harmless entertainment, and despite the crass cynicism and limited imaginations of Browne's supporters, we aren't in the skeptical blogosphere for gits and shiggles.
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