Saturday, September 19, 2009

Avast, Ye! Thar Be Downloads to Plunder!

Telltale Games be givin' away the first chapter o' Tales o' Monkey Island. Be quick or be dead, mateys! They be closing their ports at the first stroke o' midnight!

(Haven't played the series myself, but I've been thinking of getting all the games. Imagine this sample will help me decide... Was there ever a updated release of all the games on the way, or did I just imagine that?)


Don said...

Highly recommended. They are all quite awesome, even though some folks don't like past number 2. And thanks for the heads up. I'm on my way to download it now.

Tom Foss said...

Akusai, you left the link off of "some people."

Tom Foss said...

Er, that is, "folks," not people.

Stogoe said...

Is that the new series? I played the first one (Screaming Narwhal) and I thought it was fun. I haven't got the second one yet, because I finally found a copy of GBA FFIV and started playing it so that when I grab FF4: After Years it will make sense.