Saturday, May 20, 2006

One Year's Worth of Rambling

Well, it's been one year since Ryan's first entry, and my almost-half-year here has been fun. I signed on in December, and ended up pulling most of the blog's weight recently, thanks to meatspace interference with Ryan's life. I can only imagine what things would have been like if he still had the time. For those who weren't around, that big spike for March and April were the times I wound up being linked to from Respectful Insolence and Pharyngula. A Jack Chick parody I wrote during Spring Break caught their attention, and 4,200 or so hits came in on March 28th. Later, I had an interview with Michael Behe, ending with with a decapitation. It seems he's recovered, since he's still going on about his nonsense.

Oh, and we still need a new name.


msherbalpills said...

Congrats for your traffic graphic and keep rollin...

Michael Bains said...

Those darn decapitations ain't what they used to be . . .

Keep up the good work, Dog!

And come on back now, ya hear Ryan?!

Ryan Michael said...

Nebraska sucks. I have no internets right now, but can make updates at very long intervals. Sorry duders!