Thursday, November 09, 2006

Photographic Evidence! Well, a Screenshot, Anyway

Seems that in one of Orac's posts, "Common Sense" is vigorously denying the existence of something that's viewable from one click. EDIT: Looks like it may have been a case of technical difficulties.

Anyway, the fact that someone can file a complaint claiming vaccines turned their kid into a superhero doesn't really speak for the quality of the database.

A vaccine-powered superhero would be cool, though: Prevent crimes before they happen. Probably wouldn't get as much fanfare, though, since prevention isn't really that showy.

I came, I clicked, I saw. Here's a screenshot:

Click for full size
Right-click my pic to download the full-sized version. Flickr's being a little weird.


Infophile said...

Probably wouldn't get as much fanfare, though, since prevention isn't really that showy.

I'd mention The Minority Report here, but it stars Tom Cruise, so I won't.

The Uncredible Hallq said...

I can't help but think that it would make sense somehow if the lady got a chance to explain... but no matter the explanation, it's hilarious.

Bronze Dog said...

I recently upgraded on my home computers, but not my work computer. Being able to retrieve a lost tab comes in handy. Especially since I'm not used to having a close tab button so easy to accidentally click.