Thursday, July 19, 2007

65th Skeptics' Circle

It's up at NeuroLogica.

Open thread as usual, except touching the displays is FORBIDDEN.

Oh, and failure to make me laugh will not be tolerated.


Unknown said...

Oh, and failure to make me laugh will not be tolerated.

There's a pill for that now.

Lifewish said...

This'll make you laugh: a friend of mine believes that the Holy Spirit can be used to detect when people are praying for him.

This'll make your jaw drop: he's actually agreed to test this by rigorous experiment.

Together we've come up with a protocol that appears to cover all the obvious non-spooky communication channels. However, I'd greatly appreciate feedback on it. If anyone would like to participate in the vetting* process, the protocol is described here.

* No offence intended to our good host.

Tom Foss said...

Open thread as usual, except touching the displays is FORBIDDEN.

"The place is like a museum. It's very beautiful and very cold, and you're not allowed to touch anything."--Ferris Bueller