Thursday, September 20, 2007

Quote of the Time Being #14 or Blake Stacey Wins the Internet

It would be nice, to say the least, if the anti-Uppity Atheists advanced a positive position, rather than ceaselessly declaiming their unhappiness with the Uppity Atheists. Otherwise, how can they hope to succeed? You can't have a world-view which is entirely negative, after all.
-Blake Stacey on Pharyngula


jadephire said...

I love Blake Stacey so much.

Blake Stacey said...

Awww, thanks guys!

Anonymous said...

Interesting how well the comment still works if you replace "Uppity Atheists" with "evolution."

Anonymous said...

P.S. I meant negative from a scientific (evidence-based) point of view. There is nothing positive about making up a word that doesn't mean anything and claiming that the meaningless word is the answer.