Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Comment Moderation Back On.

Guess who. Maybe if Weapon of Mass Iniquity can learn to talk to the guy going by the name of "Bronze Dog" instead of the PETA-supporting, dope-smoking, sexaholic, absolutely pacifist, morally relativistic straw man going through his head, we can actually get somewhere.

I doubt it'll happen. He still hasn't gotten past thinking evolution involves Polymorph Other, despite the latter being strictly supernatural. (Well, technically spell, or spell-like ability, but you know what I mean.)

NOTE: Notification's been weird. I had to manually check to find out I had a couple of comments waiting. One from Amanda, and another from WoMI along the lines of "You got mad at my gibberish! I win!"


Don said...

Jesus, BD, how do you deal with that guy and not fly into a mad, frothy rage? You have the patience of a saint. Or, less religiously, a Wii/PS3 camper. Having read every one of his inane posts since he started trolling his troll ass over here, it really seems like he's getting less and less coherent over time. What started as anti-evolution screed from someone who, while wrong, seemed at least moderately intelligent, has turned into a stream of comments I would sooner ascribe to an acerbic Christian 12-year-old.

Not only does he make unwarranted assumptions about your character and lifestyle, in repeatedly doing so he effectively calls you a liar and implies that he knows more about your own life than you do.

I despise people like that. How he can possibly believe that anything he says contains the smallest bit of sense is beyond me.

Bronze Dog said...

Jesus, BD, how do you deal with that guy and not fly into a mad, frothy rage?

Who says I don't?

I'll have to get that back under control when my job undergoes a move: Won't have an office to myself over there.

Thankfully, the unspeakable acts of violence I perform during such rages are only against air, which, last time I checked, wasn't sentient on any level, so it's okay.

Don said...

I suppose that I, like WMI, made an unwarranted assumption about your actions with no real evidence. For that, I apologize. At least my assumption was positive, and not "You're an evil sex-having hippie who should kill cats!"

Thankfully, the unspeakable acts of violence I perform during such rages are only against air, which, last time I checked, wasn't sentient on any level, so it's okay.

Deepak Chopra might have something to say about that...

Rev. BigDumbChimp said...

If he isn't the definition of thick-skulled I don;t know what is. He's been fed such a load a shit for so long he's steeped in it to the point he can't see any evidence or truth outside of what he wants to believe.

Made me angry just reading all that crap.

Infophile said...

If he isn't the definition of thick-skulled I don;t know what is. He's been fed such a load a shit for so long he's steeped in it to the point he can't see any evidence or truth outside of what he wants to believe.

Agreed. In fact, he inspired me to create a new post series: Blatant Boneheadery. Well, hopefully I won't see enough more of this that it'll have to become a series, but I'm not holding my breath.

Anyways, this really highlights the need for a recent comments sidebar here. If I'd known he was trolling back there, I'd have stepped in to help (or at least mock).

Thankfully, the unspeakable acts of violence I perform during such rages are only against air, which, last time I checked, wasn't sentient on any level, so it's okay.

Well, many Christians feel that God is everywhere, so if you're punching air you're punching God. Not that this is necessarily contrary to your interesets, however.

Bob said...

Ugh. Now that I've gotten around to it, I can't bear to read all of WOMI's comments either, and I'm not about to post this on that toxic thread. From what I did read, Weapon is being his typical self, either refusing to distinguish between hypotheticals - sometimes involved in conceptual and linguistic analysis by necessity - and wishfull thinking. And for all his talk about word games and moral relativism, I somehow doubt he's ever read Wittgenstein. Maybe someone should wave a red hot poker in his face and ask him how he likes it!

Anonymous said...

WOMI does at least serve the purpose of making everyone ve argues against look superior. A better defender of religion I would not ask for.

Well, for rhetorical purposes. WOMI doesn't belong in any kind of serious debate.

Anonymous said...

I forgot you have to be an evolutionist to have a serious debate.



Bronze Dog said...

Well, considering that you've been rambling in an incoherent manner, chasing phantom fornicating PETA nuts who don't post here, and other dirty rhetorical tricks (logical fallacies) you're making a pretty good argument for why Cretinists can't be serious.