Thursday, April 19, 2007

3# !fooW

Well, it's that time again. Barely restrained myself against some Secretards. Currently more hoarse than dog at the moment, thinking of things I'd really like to shout at whiny Newagers, Bill O'Reilly (I would suggest some of those things for Dawkins to say, but it's more important that he keep his cool), and all those subtly like-minded (closed, that is) people.

So anyway, for those who don't know the !fooW drill: Ask me a question, and chances are you'll get a silly answer. This one, however, has a special rule designed to get me back in a good mood: Your question must include a link to something funny.

For the sake of convenience links work like this: [a href=""]Your question here[/a]. Just replace the brackets with less-than and greater-than signs.


Anonymous said...

I'm mainly looking for an excuse to link to this silliness, but I do have a question. What pseudo-argument do you hear that most infuriates you?

Anonymous said...

Your bad mood is just your molecules acting on each other. Barring magic, nothin' you can do except wait until they start bumpin' each other a different way.

Bronze Dog said...

What pseudo-argument do you hear that most infuriates you?

People who use "common usage" to claim that abbreviations count in Scrabble. They don't!

Anonymous said...

So what was the exact moment when The Simpsons stabbed itself in the brain? Was it Armin Tamzarian or Frank Grimes?

Or was it Jerkass Homer?

Bronze Dog said...

So what was the exact moment when The Simpsons stabbed itself in the brain?

It was in a retroactive flashback that it was revealed that Homer had a crayon in his brain that got passed up because of how Dr. Hibbert held his thumb over the X-ray.

I can't nail it to an exact time and place, since they tend to be quite vague about the space-time continuum, there. Ask Steven Hawking. He's been in Springfield a couple times.

Rev. BigDumbChimp said...

Is Al Sharpton still cool despite his moranity because he was James Brown's road manager at one point?

Bronze Dog said...

Is Al Sharpton still cool despite his moranity because he was James Brown's road manager at one point?

I have no idea, because I don't really know anything about famous people who didn't play Star Trek regulars.

But moranity is a big negative on the cool scale, so he's got a lot points to make up for.

Joshua said...

Anonymous said...

"People who use "common usage" to claim that abbreviations count in Scrabble. They don't!"

Best. Quote. Ever.

Tom Foss said...

Damn! And I was going to get a triple word score on "OMGWTFBBQ"!