Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Flea Versus Trolls

Flea's made a good post about vaccines, and will no doubt be dealing with trolls for a long time as a result. Give him a hand.


Ryan Michael said...

I wish I could help. I'm just not very good at the anti-vax debate; I'm not too educated on it. I usually just ask these morons to cite sources and they send me to websites full of anecdotes and B.S.


I left a supportive comment anyway - your Rockstar is deaf in his left ear because of that disease.

Infophile said...

Same problem here, though I don't even have an anecdote like that to share. I'm just young enough to have caught the HIB vaccine, and have thankfully avoided it. There were other vaccines I unfortunately missed, though, like the Chicken Pox vaccine. Somehow, this led to me getting it twice. Doctors are still trying to figure that one out.

Don said...

I've had the opposite situation: never had chicken pox, though over my life I've been repeatedly and sometimes quite terribly exposed to it. That confused more than one pediatrician.

Man, I really hope I'm somehow immune. I'd hate to get that shit these days.

Infophile said...

In theory, I guess it's possible that you got a very small exposure at some point early in you life and your immune system built up an immunity to that without ever getting a full-blown case of it.

Tom Foss said...

That's very similar to what happened to me. I was exposed at a very young age, but didn't contract it until Second Grade. And then, it was such a mild case that my doctor wasn't even sure it was chicken pox.

I had a blood test done a few years later, which confirmed that I was immune. If you really want to know, and given the danger of shingles you probably should, you could ask your doctor about that sort of test.

Don said...

That's a really good idea, now that I finally have health insurance. One doctor hypothesized that I was perhaps exposed in utero, as my mother was exposed when I was pregnant, and that could account for my seeming immunity, but I believe that I will get that tested sooner rather than later.

Don said...

I meant to say "My mother eas exposed when she was pregnant with me." Apologies for the oversight. I am not, nor have I ever been pregnant. I'd be severely worried if that ever happened.