Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Comment Moderation

Just getting sick of deleting spam every morning. Trolls need not worry about me filtering them out.


Anonymous said...

So, while we're waiting for our resident Nazi Troll to reappear for a whine or two, may I ask the esteemed members of the Bronze Blog what their opinions are on the recent "Climategate" kerfuffle?


Dweller in Darkness said...

Am I a member? Not sure.

Anyhoodle, if the excerpts I've seen are the most damning evidence available, it's a lot more smoke than fire. It's all snippets taken out of context to support fraud.

Fraud, that is. I do think there's considerable evidence that the researchers were a blinkered and narrow-viewed, adopting a kind of bunker mentality to criticism that is unhelpful for honest research.

Anonymous said...

I think it is a storm in a tea cup, that the cranks have tried to turn into a conspiracy.
I also think the emails show scientists as human beings with all their faults and foibles. Which may be a good thing, as far too many people see scientists as Star Trekian emotionless Vulcans.


Dunc said...

Sure, there's some stuff in there that shows "a kind of bunker mentality", but when you've got the entire Flying Monkey Squad constantly accusing you of being part of a global communo-fascist conspiracy to usher in Satanic One World Government, it's not exactly surprising, is it? I mean, if you're getting 50-odd FOI requests in the space of a week from the same guy for the same data (which is already mostly in the public domain), I think you'd get pretty pissed off about it too. Christ, if someone went through the last ten years of my emails looking for quotes to mine, I'd probably be arrested... If you've ever used a phrase in any sense other than its most obvious and literal meaning, then you probably could too. I know I've "suggested" all sorts of things in internal emails that I never for an instant intended to be taken seriously - sometimes you've just got to vent a bit.

IMHO, the whole thing can be summed as "Scientists turn out to be human. Film at 11."

I do think the timing is bloody suspicious though, and I'd like to know who's behind it all.

Dweller in Darkness said...

Agreed, Dunc - there's scarcely anything at all condemning in these e-mails apart from some very human griping that you'd expect in private communications.

debra said...

Skeptics, what do y'all think of HAARP/Project Bluebeam seen in the skies of Norway?
I have a YT friend who says that when he sees a spaceship over his house, he is going to go to the tallest building in town and do a double-tap into the direction of the hull. Not as an aggression of war mind you, he just has to see if it is real or not. He welcomes aliens, but mainly as a new source of sex...

MWchase said...

"HAARP/Project Bluebeam"

You mean the malfunctioning rocket?

djfav said...

What do I think?

Duck and cover! The end is nigh!

MWchase said...

Duck and Cover?

Ah, the cold war. The source of so much wacky propaganda.

Bronze Dog said...

Moved to just word verification to see if that stops the spambots. I have seen some dedicated copy-pasters, though, so if I still get overnight spam, comment moderation will be back.

So, a missile malfunctions and forms a spiral. Yeah, that's the stuff of conspiracy. Really.

MWchase said...

When I bothered to do a cursory Google of HAARP and Bluebeam, I got that HAARP is research into auroras. Quite sinister, to be sure. Bluebeam is some hypothesized secret part of HAARP focused on bringing about the end of the the world, or something.

Bronze Dog said...

Steven Novella weighs in.

Tom Foss said...

As does Phil Plait, who even includes a video simulation of the process. There's a more explanatory video here.

Also, Skeptoid did an episode on HAARP a little while back, which is worth reading.

As usual, Debra, you've jumped to the most ridiculous and frightening possible explanation, without doing even the slightest bit of research into reality.

Don said...

And let's not forget your trigger-happy buddy double-tapping the "spaceship" is creating an entirely unnecessary public risk by shooting bullets off the top of a building at a shallow ballistic trajectory. His total lack of skepticism and inability to control his urges to ejaculate all over an extraterrestrial could lead him to fucking shoot somebody.

Good plan.